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PRISM: Research


The Meniscus Research Interest Group includes orthopaedic surgeons, sports medicine physicians, physical therapists, and athletic trainers with research interest in the science and function of the meniscus, its various pathologies, and the evaluation and treatment of those pathologies. Meniscus disorders in the pediatric and adolescent athlete range from congenital anomalies like lateral discoid meniscus to traumatic conditions, such as meniscus tears and meniscal root avulsions. Surgical treatment of these conditions may be simple arthroscopic partial meniscectomy or saucerization, but may also include complex repairs or meniscus transplants. The Meniscus RIG seeks to expand what is known about pediatric and adolescent meniscus function and pathology and contribute to the literature regarding evaluation and treatment strategies.

Completed Work

  • Develop a novel PRISM Arthroscopic Discoid Meniscus Classification System through a consensus-building group decision model.
    • Interrater abstract submitted to PRISM
  • Develop a video database of discoid meniscus cases with a standard protocol of arthroscopic assessment to allow for classification

Current Work

  • Further assess the Inter- and Intra-rater Reliability of the PRISM Arthroscopic Discoid Meniscus Classification System
  • Collect, analyze, and publish the definitive multi-center series of medial discoid meniscus cases in the literature

Future Work

  • Outcomes of pediatric patients following surgical treatment of lateral discoid meniscus: results from the PRISM multicenter discoid meniscus registry
  • North American multicenter series of discoid meniscus focusing on demographics
  • Develop a vignette based survey with arthroscopic images to determine treatment approaches amongst PRISM surgeons

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