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Learning Objectives

  1. Suggest how growth remaining might best influence your choice in pediatric ACL reconstruction techniques. Share rehab course and materials of pediatric ACL for the patient/family and outline the strategies for prevention of re-injury
  2. Review key history and PE findings in Femoro-acetabular Impingement (FAI) in young adults. Outline causes of FAI. Operative technique tips & outcomes of FAI in young adults.
  3. The attendee will be familiarized with a unifying theory of metaphyseal vascular injury as the root cause for many of the overuse injuries of the upper extremities we observe in the pediatric upper extremity.
  4. Outline the epidemiological impact of ACL injury in youth sports for ACL injury prevention.
    Review the state of the current literature on ACL injuries in young athletes regarding efficacy and interventions for ACL injury prevention.
  5. Identify common principles in ACL prevention programs. Suggest strategies for you to institute a program for your area and your post-op patients.
  6. Demonstrate the most common presentations in Shoulder Multidirectional Instability (MDI). Outline a genuine "trial of PT". Review the surgical options, present the surgical tips and pitfalls and discuss the expected outcomes in MDI shoulder.

    Expected improved outcomes will all include Competence, Performance, and Patient Outcomes