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PRISM: Research

Patient Reported Outcome Measures

Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) are self-completed questionnaires that can measure a variety of global, disease-specific, and joint-specific outcomes and have become the gold standard when quantifying post-treatment patient experience. Presented herein are musculoskeletal PROMs resulting from a comprehensive literature search which have been specifically validated in children and adolescents. Also included are corresponding scoring sheets (where applicable), original reliability and validation studies, and psychometric properties. All PROMs have been grouped by anatomic region and/or outcome focus.

We hope this webpage serves as a reference for clinicians and researchers when treating patients and/or designing clinical studies within pediatric orthopaedic sports medicine. This site is up to date as of December 18, 2018. Please email info@prismsports.org with any questions, concerns, or to identify additional resources to be considered for inclusion in this list.