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PRISM: Research

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

The musculoskeletal ultrasound RIG commenced in 2017. Currently, the MSK US RIG has nine members, comprised of six medical sports medicine physicians, two radiologists (one specializing in MR and one MSK US), one ATC, PhD biomechanist. Members are from all over the nation. Conference call meetings occur every 6-8 weeks.

The aim of the MSK US RIG is to develop research that incorporates multiple disciplines, with the central goal of moving forward research surrounding MSK US, specifically geared toward the pediatric athlete. Significant gaps in the research exist describing normative anatomical ultrasound measurements for pediatric athletes. Understanding the natural course of anatomical changes over the life span, and variations of ultrasound findings in youth athletes, is also a significant gap in the research that has been identified by the MSK US RIG working group.

Current work:

1. US EVALUATION OF THE MPFL: Defining the Anatomy

 Objective and Specific Aims:

  • To collect normative values of MPFL measurements in youth uninjured athletes.
    • Specific Aim 1: To develop normative data on US MPFL measurements
    • Specific Aim 2: To correlate US MPFL measurement with MRI measurement
    • Specific Aim 3: To correlate US MPFL measurement with existing CT and cadaveric data

Background and Significance

  • Patellar instability is a significant clinical problem in youth athletes. Data in youth athletes on parameters contributing to patellar instability is lacking.
  • The MPFL ligament is an important primary constraint to preventing patellar dislocations in young athletes.
  • The anatomy of the MPFL has been investigated in cadaveric studies and MR studies.
  • To date there is no normative data on the US anatomy of the MPFL, specifically to evaluate the MPFL footprint attachment to the distal femur and relationship to the physis, as well as the insertion onto the patella.

Status: IRB document and study protocol complete. Data collection to begin within 3 months.

2. PPE Ultrasound Findings in Athletes as Predictors of Future Injury: Longitudinal Study Design

Main Objective: To conduct a multicenter MSK US study to evaluate US findings in different groups of athletes and follow them over time with regard to US findings. The US findings will be correlated to selected health biomechanical tests and health outcomes measures.

Background and Significance

  • Research is lacking utilizing MSK US in young athletes to identify early signs of pathology in athletes.
  • Biomechanical correlation of MSK US findings in youth athletes will help identify further injury risk.
  • Long term health outcomes will be collected longitudinally to fill gaps in health outcomes in youth athletes surrounding injury risk.

Status: Study protocol design and literature search underway


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